China Perspectives 2021/1 — Agency Beyond Precarity : Platforms and the Multiplication of Labour Regimes in China


China Perspectives 2021/1 — Agency Beyond Precarity : Platforms and the Multiplication of Labour Regimes in China
French Centre for Research on Contemporary China
mai 2021
72 pages
20 euros
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Eric Florence, Chargé de cours à l'Université de Liège, a co-dirigé (avec Chris King-chi Chan et Jack Linchuan Qiu) ce numéro thématique de la revue "China Perspectives" s'intitulant  : Agency Beyond Precarity ; Platforms and the Multiplication of Labour Regimes in China.


Ils ont également tous les trois rédigé l'éditorial de ce numéro, dont voici un extrait :


This special issue of China Perspectives has set out not to focus on workers’ collective action and agency within factories per se. Rather, drawing from Swider’s suggestion to include the heterogeneity of informal labour into the study of working-class politics in China (2017), it seeks to explore forms of workers’ creativity and agency that move beyond workshop-based traditional forms of collective activism and labour organising. Hence, the contributors to this special issue, each in specific ways, address the following questions: Under the current processes of flexibilisation and informalisation such as the platformisation of the economy and society, what forms of empowerment or agency (individual and collective) are being crafted and struggled for, from minimising the everyday effects of systems of exploitation and domination to more visible forms of labour politics? How do processes of precarisation and informalisation transform the very organisation of production and shape emerging forms of employment and labour relations?

All three papers draw on extensive first-hand empirical research and provide theoretically-informed insights into the transformation of forms of employment, of modes of production, and of workers’ everyday struggles and agency.

Une version française du numéro vient également de sortir, disponible sur cette page.

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